Vector Analysis & Electrostatics - Index / Sitemap.


Vector analysis is a mathematical tool with which electromagnetic (EM) concepts are most conveniently expressed. It's important to learn its rules and techniques first applying it.


- Scalars and Vectors.

- Unit Vectors.

- Position and Distance Vectors.

- Vector Multiplication.

- Components Of a Vector.

- Numericals / Solved Examples.


In general, the physical quantities in ElectroMagnetics are functions of space and time. In order to describe the spatial variations of the quantities, its important to define all points uniquely in space in a suitable manner. This requires using an appropriate coordinate system. Hence its very important to understand the coordinate system first. 

- Introduction To Coordinate System.

- Cartesian Coordinate System / Rectangular Coordinate System (x, y, z).

- Differential Analysis Of Cartesian Coordinate System.

- Circular Cylindrical Coordinate System (ρ, φ, z).

- Differential Analysis Of Cylindrical Coordinate System.

- Spherical Coordinate System ( r, θ , φ).

- Differential Analysis Of Spherical Coordinate System.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Page 1.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Page 2.


This section deals with integration and differentiation of vectors. This section helps you understand how to use coordinate system and the different jargon's used while understanding Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, Waves & Applications.

- Line , Surface and Volume Intergral.

- Del Operator - Definition and Significance.

- Gradient Of a Scalar (∇ V).

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Gradient Of a Scalar.

- Divergence Of a Vector ( ∇ . A ).

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Divergence Of a Vector.

- Curl Of a Vector ( ∇ x A).

- Laplacian Of a Scalar ( ∇2 V).


An electrostatic field is produced by a static charge distribution. A typical example of such a field is found in a cathode-ray tube.Electric power transmission, X-ray machines, and lightning protection are associated with strong electric fields and will require a knowledge of electrostatics to understand and design suitable equipment.

- Introduction To Electrostatics.

- Coulomb's law.

- Electric Field Intensity (E).

- Electric Lines Of Forces /Streamlines / Electric Flux (ψ) .

- Electric Flux Density (D).

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Finite and Infinite Line Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Infinite Sheet Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Circular Ring Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Circular Disk Charge.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electric Force and Field Intensity.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electric Field Intensity - Line, Surface and Mixed Charge Configuration.

- Gauss's Law - Theory.

- Gauss's Law - Application To a Point charge.

- Gauss's Law - Application To An Infinite Line Charge.

- Gauss's Law - Application To An Infinite Sheet Charge.

- Gauss's Law - Application To a Uniformly Charged Sphere.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Gauss's Law.

- Scalar Electric Potential / Electrostatic Potential (V).

- Relationship Between Electric Field Intensity (E) and Electrostatic Potential (V).

- Electric Potential Due To a Circular Disk.

- Electric Dipole.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electric Potential and Electric Dipole.

- Energy Density In Electrostatic Field / Work Done To Assemble Charges.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electrostatic Energy and Energy Density.


This section will help in understanding the electric phenomena in material space. Just as electric fields can exist in free space, they can exist in material media.

  - Properties Of Materials.

- Current (I) and Current Density (J).

- Conduction and Convection Current Density.

- Isolated Conductor Under The Influence Of An Applied Electric Field (E).

- Conductor Wired To a Source Of Electromotive Force.

Your suggestions and comments are welcome in this section. If you want to share something or if you have some stuff of your own, please do post them in the comments section.


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