Electric Field Intensity / Electric Field Strength (E) - Field Theory.

- Electric field due to a charge is the space around the unit charge in which it experiences a force.

- Electric field intensity or the electric field strength at a point is defined as the force per unit charge.

E = F / Q 
F = E Q

- The force on charge Q is the product of a charge (which is a scalar) and the value of the electric field (which is a vector) at the point where the charge is located.

- Hence force will be either parallel or anti-parallel to the Electric field intensity.
(i.e. Q > 0) the force F points in the same direction as the electric field E.

- If the charge is negative (i.e. Q < 0) the force F points in the opposite direction as the electric field E.

- Electric field intensity(E) at point r due to a point charge Q located at a point with position vector r1 is given as:

Similarly for N point charges Q1, Q2 ….Qn located at points with position vectors r1, r2,….rn, the electric field intensity at point r is given as:

- Charges can occur as point charge, line charge, surface charge and volume charge.

The charge element dQ and the total charge due to different charge distribution is given as:

dQ =ρldl    →   Q = L ρldl       (Line Charge)

dQ = ρsds  →   Q = S ρsds      (Surface Charge)

dQ = ρvdv  →   Q = V ρvdv     (Volume Charge)

- Electric field intensity due to different charge distribution is hence given as:


- Electric line of force is a pictorial representation of the electric field.

- Electric line of force (also called Electric Flux lines or Streamlines) is an imaginary straight or curved path along which a unit positive charge tends to move in an electric field.


- Lines of force start from positive charge and terminate either at negative charge or move to infinity.

- Similarly lines of force due to a negative charge are assumed to start at infinity and terminate at the negative charge.

- Lines of force never intersect i.e. they do not cross each other.

Tangent to a line of force at any point gives the direction of the electric field E at that point.

- Lines are dense close to a source of the electric field and become sparse when one moves away.

-The number of lines per unit area, through a plane at right angles to the lines, is proportional to the magnitude of E. This means that, where the lines of force are close together, E is large and where they are far apart E is small.


- If there is no charge in a volume, then each field line which enters it must also leave it.

- If there is a positive charge in a volume then more field lines leave it than enter it.

- If there is a negative charge in a volume then more field lines enter it than leave it.

- Hence we say
Positive charges are sources and Negative charges are sinks of the field.”


- Line of Force may be termed as ‘Electric Flux’ represented by ψ and unit is coulomb (C).

- The density of electric flux is the electric (displacement) flux density, D.

- It is the measure of cluster of ‘electric lines of force’. It is the number of lines of force per unit area of cross section.

D = ψ / S    →     ψ  =  S (D . ds)


- Introduction To Electrostatics.

- Coulomb's law.

- Electric Field Intensity (E).

- Electric Lines Of Forces /Streamlines / Electric Flux (ψ) .

- Electric Flux Density (D).

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Finite and Infinite Line Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Infinite Sheet Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Circular Ring Charge.

- Electric Field Intensity Due To a Circular Disk Charge.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electric Force and Field Intensity.

- Numericals / Solved Examples - Electric Field Intensity - Line, Surface and Mixed Charge Configuration.

Short Notes/FAQ's

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