SOLVED Numerical's - Antenna Theory - Page 4.

9) A Hertzian dipole at the origin in free space has dl = 20 cm and I = 10 cos2π107t A, find |Eθs| at the distant point (100, 0, 0).


λ = c / f = ( 3 x 108 ) / (107) = 30 m

At (100, 0, 0), r = 100 m & θ = π / 2

10) A 2-A source operating at 300 MHz feeds a Hertzian dipole of length 5 mm situated at the origin. Find Es and Hs at (10, 30°, 90°).


                   λ = c / f = (3 x 108) / (3 x 108) = 1m

                   β = 2π / λ = 2π

                  At r = 10, θ = 30o , φ = 90o

                   λ = 120π = 377 m

                   Eθs = η Hφs = 94.25 mV/m

11) An antenna can be modelled as an electric dipole of length 5 m at 3 MHz. Find the radiation resistance of the antenna assuming a uniform current over its length.


          dl = 5 m

          λ = c / f = (3 x 108) / (3 x 106) = 100 m

          dl / λ = 5 / 100 = 1/20

         Now since dl / λ = 1/20 < 1/10

          Rrad = 80π2 (dl/λ)2

                  = 80π2 / 400 = 1.974Ω

12) A half-wave dipole fed by a 50 Ω transmission line, calculate the reflection coefficient and the standing wave ratio.

For a half wave dipole antenna,

                                                Zin = 73 + j42.5


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